A bank had me out when they went through a branch closure and one of their former managers, apparently upset about ongoing changes, decided to have several of the safes combinations changed. They neglected to leave a note or any other information related to the changes made and, because the bank had to verify that no confidential records or tangible assets were left inside the container, they needed to have the safe opened. When I asked the caller if he could give me any identifying information, he simply said, "It's a big one." I went out to assess their needs and quote the work. Time was of the essence as he was traveling from out of state and needed to finalize the closure within the next few days. We discussed the rate and scheduled the work for the following business day.
I was able to do the work in about 3 hours and leave the safe unrecognizably altered from the original state. The day concluded with a very satisfied banker. Not only were they able to verify that there were no important items unaccounted for, they also had their (very expensive) safe returned to them in working order for a fraction of the cost of replacement. Another successful service call in the book.
